How to Win Military Disability Cases

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 After my recent return from a pilgrimage to Lourdes, I was struck by how many of my fellow pilgrims were desperately seeking information about how to locate and apply for participation in any of the 55,000+ clinical trials currently being conducted worldwide to study innovative treatments for potentially fatal or debilitating injuries and diseases.

Unfortunately, this information is not readily available to the general public and many of the more seriously afflicted lack the stamina or persistence needed to find and access these sites.  As a result, some suffer needlessly simply due to a lack of information. 

With this in mind, I decided to pass on the results of several days of intensive research identifying the most user-friendly clinical trials search engines needed to find research studies that may help you or your loved ones.  Please feel free to pass this article on to anyone whom you feel my personally benefit from it.  With that in mind, here is my list of the most user-friendly clinical trials search engines currently available to the general public:  This search engine, a service provided by NIH, provides a listing service of more than 57,000 clinical trials being conducted in 155 countries around the world.  Using a straightforward search structure, users can learn the location, purpose, enrollment criteria and contact information for these studies.   You will find its search engine to be very easy to use.  This search engine is sponsored by the Center for Information and Study of Clinical Research Participation, a 501(c) (3) organization deserving of your support.  When you visit the site, be sure to sign up for their mailing list to receive a wealth of information about upcoming clinical trials and events.  Trust me, you will not regret the few minutes that it will take you to complete their intake form and begin receiving information that you can begin using today to improve your quality of life or that of a terminally or chronically ill loved one.  A division of the Boston-based Jobson Medical Information publishing firm, Center Watch is known amongst medical professionals for its cutting edge service Clinical Trials Today.  However, it should be equally well know to patients, their advocates and family members for its phenomenal Patient Notification Service.  This service allows you to identify up to 20 medical conditions of interest to you, thereby resulting in you receiving e-mail notification should any studies, medications or other cutting edge developments arise concerning these topics.  You would be very foolish not to take advantage of this service- I do and it has benefited members of my family as well as clients of my military disability law practice.  Funded by member contributions, this search portal operated by the International Federal of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations provides over 250,000 links to government and commercial studies worldwide.  This service allows you to create a personal profile and save up to six search inquiries at a time.  As a practice tip, you will find it best to use a Landscape format in printing out the results of your search of the Clinical Trials portal.  Otherwise, you will find the information to be rather unreadable.  Nevertheless, it is well worth the effort as this site provides a startling level of detail regarding each study.

Written by John B. Gately

August 27, 2009 at 12:47 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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